Monday, July 4, 2011

How to make a road trip eduational

As a homeschool mom, I am always looking for ways to make everything educational.  Lauren is quick to point out "my mom makes everything into school".  But life is our classroom and the American roads are our teachers.

Using the book "Cantering the Country", a website called Enchanted Learning, and other internet resources, I am creating notebooks for my kids.  They will each have their own binder with their own
"assignments".  This serves 2 purposes.  1) It helps them keep up with where we are on the trip, how many miles we will travel each day, possible stops along the way, lodging information, etc. and 2) they will learn about where we are traveling.

I am in the process of printing out all their worksheets for the trip.  The binder is divided by day (Thursday, Friday, etc.)  Their are word finds, crossword puzzles, maps, a license plate game, car bingo, etc. in there.  Some activities are fun and not required while others are educational in nature and a requirement.

The other fun idea that I'm working on today is wrapping up small border surprises.  Every time we cross a border they receive a small surprise.  When we cross into Oklahoma they will receive travel diaries, Kansas = fun money to use as they wish during the course of the trip, Nebraska = new DVD's, etc.  Still working on the rest of the states.  I was going to tailor each gift to the state but my brain just wasn't willing to work that hard.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the book "Carschooling". It's great! Lots of unique ideas!
